Continuing with our experiments, beans seeds were chosen to check the efficacy of Nurture Growth Biofertilizer on seed germination and growth & development of beans plant.
To carry out this assessment, we divided the seeds into two distinct groups. One group was soaked in distilled water, serving as the control, while the other group was immersed in a biofertilizer solution prepared by dissolving 1 teaspoon of biofertilizer in 125 ml of water. This soaking process lasted for six hours for both groups, allowing for sufficient absorption of the water and biofertilizer.
Each group consisted of four replications, with 2 seeds per replication. After soaking, the seeds were carefully placed on paper towels, covered to maintain moisture, and stored in Ziplock bags to create a controlled environment. We monitored daily and recorded the seed germination from day one to day four. The germinated seeds were transferred in pots on day four, to see how they grow maintaining all four replication of control and treated.
Four days after transferring the plants into pots, growth was observed. On the fourth day of transferring the seeds to the pots, growth was seen in only one replication of the control pots, while growth was observed in all replications of the treated pots. Over the following days, growth in the control replications also became evident. However, the treated pots showed faster germination, as well as quicker root formation and shoot elongation, highlighting the effectiveness of the biofertilizer treatment. The plants were regularly monitored, and their heights were measured.

It was determined that the plants in the treated pots grew taller than those in the control pots. The experiment continued for one month, during which the treated plants consistently outperformed the control plants in terms of growth. However, the experiment was discontinued due to the small pot size, which was inadequate for the growth needs of the beans. As fast-growing plants, beans require ample space for their roots to spread and develop. The limited space in the pots restricted the root growth, ultimately limiting the overall growth of the plants.
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About the Scientist

Ankita is a Senior Science Officer at Nurture Growth Biofertilizer. She has over 9 years of experience in Agriculture research and extension. Her areas of specialization encompass Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Plant Protection, Organic farming, Biofertilizers, Organic Fertilizers, and Biocontrol agents.
She holds a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology and a master's degree in Botany with a specialization in Plant Pathology. Her doctoral research involved an in-depth study of lentil wilt and its management through various practices. She has extensive experience in organizing training programs on Organic and Natural farming techniques for farmers, agricultural growers, students and other stakeholders.